SDI War Stories

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SDI War Correspondants Details of the War against the hated enemies ADE. Please keep in mind that these are completely fictitious for me to excercise my writing and programming talent.

SDI Forces Counter attack at Yual Sector. ADE lines broken

In a daring, bold, and ingenius manuver, the SDI reinforcements landed 20 kilometers behind the front lines... on the ADE side! In a matter of hours, the onslaughting ADE 7th Battle Division was surrounded. With 12,000 SDI soldiers dead and almost 77,000 ADE soldiers dead and the remaining 23,000 from that full strengthed division captured, this is a massive victory for SDI. ADE lines are broken in a seventy kilometer front. This comes amid ADE forces advancing just two short days ago. Though the SDI military has no time for a press confrence and is denying us access too the front lines, we have seen at least two regiments of skimmers and possibly a full division of SDI Mobile Attack Armor, massive 20 feet tall hover craft capable of 80 kilometer an hour travel. SDI and ADE artillary have been fighting a fierce duel for almost two hours now, with those bright flashes streaking overhead lethal for almost twenty feet. Now, there are speculations about ADE's anti-matter launching facility which is near the brunt of the fighting, and if an artillary shell hit that, it could vaporize the planet. As you know, neither side has used there powerful anti-matter warheads or chemical weapons because both side's populace are protected by the TIS, or Tactical Interception System, however, at such close range, there is nothing for the TIS too shoot down, because they would never launch. Now, several of ADE's allies have pledged too declare war against ADE if the anti-matter system is used, so the likely hood is down, but not impossible. However, do not be decieved, if this offensive goes well, SDI forces will take command of the Yual Sector soon.

Several of our viewers have been confused about a sector advance inside a sector, so we will attempt to explain. The ground sectors like Kenondrum, are just that, ground sectors, where a space sector, like Yual, are an entire solar system of planets. Thank you.

For CZN, this is Mike Adams, War Correspondant

SDI Lines are Shattered in the Yag'Dhul Front

A decisive defeat was endured on the 150 kilometer Yag'Dhul planet. The regiment of elite SDI commando's holding that rock, the 29th Regiment of the 122nd Elite Defense Force Unit was driven back an additional 32 kilometers by the onslaughting ADE assault from the fifth guard's unit. This comes amid further reinforcements. In a devestating 3 hour battle, almost 250 ADE and 60 SDI commandos died, leaving the 1,000 manned SDI unit down too approximately 1/2 strength. The troops on that planet are now outnumbered almost six too one. This strategically invaluable system could be the staging point for an SDI invasion into the heart of ADE, the heavily polluted, overpopulated, and industrialized Galactic Prime as ADE troops call it. Should ADE capture this planet, it could lead too an invasion of Rondack, Beta Sector, or Leon Prime. An additional regiment of SDI regular's is going too reinforce the battered regiment later today. However, with almost 2/3 of Yag'Dhul under command by ADE, this front appears too have been lost too the overwhelming ADE numbers.

For CZN, this is Evan Caparzum.

SDI Forces Halt ADE Advance in the Kenundrum Sector in the Yual Sector

SDI 82nd Spaceborne and 701st Infantry Divisions stopped the ADE Sector Wide Advance in the Kenondrom Sector. Despite ADE's overwhelming ground superiority in that sector, pinpoint SDI spaceborne counter attacks have reduced there effectiveness darastically. As all of you know, the high technology battle field of today's armies is perhaps the most terrifying enviornment you could ever find. Subterranean explosives will creep up and blow up in your face, subspace mines pop up at random and kill your troops and armored walkers. The constant sheets of pulse and plasma artillary fire pick off your units, the massive cannons on the various battle fleets will smash twenty foot deep craters in the soil, unless of course deflection beams or forcefields have been set up, in which case they richochet and strike at random. ADE doesn't have the degree of deflection or force- field technology that our own fleets and ground forces possess, but that doesn't mean that there's don't work.

ADE's 177th Armored Assault Calvary Unit consisted of, or so my sources tell me, as many as 8,000 armored assault gunboats, or thirty foot high behemoths that float ten feet off the ground bristling with 120 mm laser cannons, backed perhaps by another 5,000 skimmers, or small fast, sleek manuverable "pimp cartons" as ADE's troops call them. The eloquence of our enemies is undying. Anyway, this vast force, the spearhead of this sector wide advance, is down to 600 armored assault gunboats and between 25 and 75 skimmers. Though sources are sketchy at best, the SDI Headquarters for this Sector in Mount Nemiana are believed too be deploying further reinforcements in the area. This will, for the first time in the two year struggle for an economically and strategically worthless but politically invaluable crater driven planet, give SDI forces a ground advantage. It's politically important because whichever side wins the planet wins the negoitiations on Luna, or Earth's Secondary Moon, home to the SDI Military. As all of you know, this is just 2,000,000 short miles from Earth itself, and having a ADE military presence, albeit a guard regiment, has some people worried. However, as SDI and ADE forces continue too struggle with this barren world, and more reinforcements on both sides enroute, one must wonder, how high will the casualties climb? Already 75,000 SDI soldiers/officers and almost 250,000 ADE troops have died in this bitter non-stopping battle.

For CZN, this is Mike Adams, War Correspondant too the Kenondrom Sector from Yual.